omg I personally would love a handmade mug I don’t think that’s boring!! you could maybe fill the mugs with snacks and gift cards or something else they like? like personalize it a bit to each friend
Making your friends or family a homemade gift will take the cake every time. I painted my dad a mug with a map of all his favourite hills on it and the man ate it upppp. My friend drew me a picture of a vase with my favourite flowers in it and I get all warm and fuzzy when I look at it.
People love when you take the time to know them and show that you know them.
it feels good to know that people remember what you like and what you’d appreciate
There’s not a better gift in the world I don’t care how good or bad you are at it if there’s obvious love in it then it’s beautiful and I’ll cherish it forever above all else and take it with me everywhere. I personally could never hate a homemade gift
I’ve been trying to watch Spike Lee’s “Girl 6“ for literal years and I finally got to watch it on this website. They’ve got a ton of rare, out of print, or otherwise hard to find movies available online.
Not a perfect movie by any means but every time I watch it I feel better haha. The song WILL get stuck in your head for a few days without fail. It’s available on Hulu now.
Honorable mentions:
Both Spiderverse movies
My Neighbor Totoro
Stop Making Sense
Monsters Inc
I’m a merchandise designer for bands and my small dream is to see someone I don’t know wearing something I designed, even better if it’s not at that band’s concert. Not sure whether I would say anything to them about it or just keep it to myself