It's FREE and depending on your local library system, having a library card also comes with: - Hoopla: Lets you stream movies and check them out FOR FREE - Libby: E-book collections so you can read books/magazines/etc for FREE - Equipment rentals: Some libraries in my hometown have game consoles/musical instruments/etc that patrons can check out And a bunch of cool stuff The more active patrons there are, the more likely they'll keep their funding! Basically, support your local library! Get a card! Use the services!
Nov 12, 2024

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You get free printing, subscriptions to tons of newspapers, sometimes even free Adobe??? And lol ... free books, movies and more. Libraries will save us. Get your card!!
Feb 22, 2024
Changed my life. Can pull up a digital version of any book I'm reading anywhere (like on my laptop in class😈) completely free. Free audiobooks. Upped my literary consumption by at least 75%. Lots of TV and movies too. Unsubscribe from your streaming service. Save $15. Get a library card.
Feb 21, 2024
support your community, literacy, life long learning, accessibility to resources, up your vocab, be the smartest person in the room, etc. etc. etc. it’s freakin free
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Top Recs from @gemfound

I have to disagree with the people who say that we need to “stay” and “fight“ for IG to be a better platform because in actuality, it’s our presence and engagement that gives them data, and therefore money. As long as they have those 2 things, they make their bottom line and won’t really care about its users desires unless they’re making a move for the optics. If we REALLY want to hold them accountable, we need to impact the money they make, which means permanently deleting or marking your account as inactive & never coming back. They’ll only care if they’re bleeding money— so make them bleed.
Feb 22, 2025
Now more than ever we gotta show up for the causes we care about!!! Online reposting and presence is good but it doesn't get the full job done unless we show up and show out!!!! Show up to your city/town hall meetings and be an active participant if you are able, bc if we don't speak IRL we don't exist
Dec 20, 2024
As someone who has terrible object permanence and can NEVER remember the existence of something if I can't see it (this includes objects AND goals), it was quite literally the best way to keep awareness of my long term goals, even when life started falling apart and getting hectic. At the end of the year I always look at my vision board and realize that I genuinely fulfilled a good majority of the goals on there, and it's so sweet Always keep your eyes on the prize yall and always dare to dream !!!
Dec 20, 2024