love the vibe especially when there isn’t anything in your life that she needs to ask questions about… love crackin’ jokes also extra points if it’s at costco
You don’t have to buy a ginormous haul or really anything*, you can simply roam a grocery store and vibe. This is among mic’s and my favorite activities.
*or do just get like one thing and, to spice up the adventure, buy something new or obscure or rare
I enjoy the grocery store alone I really just love the grocery store. I also fantasize about collaborative selections while I stand on the front end of the cart and someone pushes me around a little. We would smell all the laundry detergents before picking one and they would tell me I don’t need two ice cream flavors and they would help me choose just one. They would help me finish it so that next time we go to the store we could maybe try the other one
they are so fun and i personally love mine. i have pins, my own drawings, postcards, pictures, tickets, etc. its truly a piece of artwork at this point.