this is my siamese, marisa tomei parker, but we call him tomtom, among many other nicknames. i love going to bed feeling his body pressed up against me then waking up and he’s the first thing i see
Waking up to my little cat cuddling up next to or on top of me is one of the best feelings in the world. It reminds me that beautiful and serene moments are always around us, we just need to be a bit more still, so that they can nest besides (or on top of) us.
you can spot aldebaran (a star in taurus, 65 light years away), jupiter under it, mars in that spot between the roof and the tree, orion’s belt, and next to it bellatrix and betelgeuse
She is so funny! A wonder to watch and so beautiful too. I just watched Auntie Mame (1958) last night and since first seeing her in His Girl Friday (1940) early this month I’ve seen like… five of her movies. I love her I’m in love with her I can’t stop thinking about her
The go-to coffee place in my neighborhood has really good beans (especially when compared to the one the college kids go crazy for - those beans are burnt, children!) and it’s super cheap
I’ve been having their iced latte with oat milk for most of the year while my partner gets their coffee jelly. He likes his coffee super sweet though and I love mine with three espresso shots. I decided to add coffee jelly to my order yesterday and: I am forever changed