This is my love language. I’ve loved It since the days of making mix CDs, so I typically keep them to 18-20 songs. Somewhere around an hour. Playlists can be infinite now, but adding self-imposed limitations forces you to make choices and be intentional. It makes for better playlists. Sometimes I make playlists for people based around a theme (like Fall) but other times it’s a random word or word phrase like “retro futurism.” The goal is always to find those gems that people will hear for the first time and go, “Oh man, I love that song.”
Nov 14, 2024

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especially when you guys have been friends for a while and you pull up one of their old playlists and are sunk into their world (a world that you were a part of!) I just started listening to a playlist my friend made in high school with the title of our favorite coffee shop we’d always go to. I could feel her soul in that playlist and it felt like a time stamp of who we were in that moment. So special. Highly recommend.
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i recently made a cd mixtape for a gift exchange with friends and i had to limit myself to 80 minutes. first step was to stalk the spotify of the playlist receiver, and i added songs that i knew from their playlists to the playlist for them. i also added songs from artists we liked in common, and songs from memories we have together. it ended up being like 7 hours worth of songs so i just sat down for a looooong period of time and cracked away at editing it, trying to just curate that indescribable feeling that you find in a playlist someone made for you. i also like to order songs to make the transitions between them sound good when i’m making a playlist for someone; i imagined them listening to the cd in the car and how it would sound for the songs to switch, would it sound natural or clunky? and a playlist made with a loving hand will always have a beautiful charm to it so don’t worry or overthink it to much. 💌
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