When I was 19 I made a friend on Kik. He was just older than me, from Melbourne, Australia. He was Aboriginal, and a musician, and he became my close friend. Ever since then Australia has been in the back of my mind, something that I wanted to explore and experience. A curiosity that felt close at hand, within my grasp. Over the years I've learned bits and pieces of the culture over the years, and I've always wanted to visit. Well. Now I am. I bought a visa in September, and now, November 16th, 2024 I'm here in Brisbane.
Nov 15, 2024

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Well done!
Nov 16, 2024

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Originally from Malaysia but have been here in Oz on and off for almost 20 years :)
Jul 13, 2024
Not an Aussie but an American doing an exchange program in Sydney in the fall!
Apr 22, 2024
I don't even really mean this in the sense that some accents may be harder to understand when speaking English, but in the sense that my accent has always been out of place. I'm an Asian-Australian in the sense that I was born to a 100% Filipino family who moved to Australia when I was very young from England, and obtained citizenship. I have lived a majority of my life here in Brisbane, and I would sooner call it home before Bacolod City or (god forbid) Birmingham. I have never, ever, ever had an Aussie accent. For as long as I've known, my accent has been the thickest "general American" accent ever. Only somewhat recently I learned I have the "International School Accent", which is a vaguely American sounding accent apparently picked up by students studying at international schools, something I never did. I think the leading theory is that while I maintain some Australian pronunciations ("Aussie", "Australia", "mum", etc.) due to being around Aussies my whole life, I mostly speak "American" due to the strong amount of American media I was watching when I was still learning English (and as a consequence forgetting Tagalog sadly). Kinda cool! To this day people will ask me "Are you a Yank?". I'm just happy to have such a common conversation starter.
Jan 15, 2025

Top Recs from @pumpkinspite

Join a club or take a class! It's funny how chatting with 9 people in real life & clicking with 1 person feels like such a win when I know if I talked to 8 people I don't click with online I would feel soul sucking failure. We're just animals, find a herd.
Jul 3, 2024
Currently backpacking and whenever I'm in a place for a couple of days I buy a bag of potatoes. They're CHEAP and delicious with everything, and you can make them in the microwave. Fave baked potato recipes: - Tuna + Cheese (canned tuna mashed with chopped onion, hot sauce, and mayo) top with cheese - Taco --- all the taco fixings or just black beans pan fried with taco seasoning, salsa and cheese - fried mushrooms and onions w sour cream and steak (fancy) - Regular baked potato toppings (sour cream, bacon, chives, cheese, etc) - I hear baked beans and cheese is also good??? will try - Spaghetti sauce, ground beef and cheese
Jan 28, 2025