recently turned off (mostly) all immediate lockscreen notifications bc nothing is ever that important. only phone calls, facetimes, libby, and classpass allowed thru.
i also like to schedule notification summaries so my phone tells me just once a day what PI.FYI notifications i’ve collected or what the Pattern app predicts heading my way, astrologically speaking. it’s nice and doesn’t hold my attention for long.
pros: seeing texts pile up and feeling like most popular girl in the world, no twitchy reaction everytime phone lights up bc now i know its one of four things, incredible renewed ability to FOCUS on reading or drawing or literally anything else, not being pulled into depths of phone as much
cons: was trying to sell a chair and accidentally ignored this poor sweet girl for days, even on the nights she was free to pick up chair…like just forgot ab it… thankfully she just showed up and conversed w my roommate like olden times and i was hollered at while watching Love is Blind
i’m also switching to greyscale so it makes everything look boring. i need all the help i can get i’ll be so fr
this wretched device!!!!