discovering new music worlds with physical records and not from the comfort of a phone screen can be so refreshing and interesting. embrace how people used to do it there is so much old music out there to be found and listened to in its purest form
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Nov 16, 2024

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Thereā€™s something so intimate and special about enjoying an artist or record that isnā€™t on streaming services. There are a lot of reasons someone might not have their work streaming, whether itā€™s ethical or financial or due to rights issues or simply being that obscure. But it feels so good to have a physical record and put it on and listen to it knowing that youā€™re experiencing music that you love in such an individual way, where whatever path took you to discovering it is actually personal in some way and not just the result of an algorithm deciding what you should be listening to, and that you are one of a very limited number of people celebrating someoneā€™s art solely by choice which is so beautiful and rare
Jan 27, 2025
vinyl, CDs, tapes, rummage through the record store. Speaking as a former college radio guy, Iā€™ve found the most interesting music in my life by forgoing any streaming and algorithm all together. ported my entire library over into an iPod and found that far more fulfilling! besides that, listening to the radio is great, college radio in particular always has something, even if its just pop music, you are getting something curated with intent every two hours and that matters. also, talk to people you know about what to listen to! do not let a machine give you vibes based recommendations!
Feb 29, 2024
streaming services are very cool and all, and they have definitely allowed me to discover artists that i probably wouldnā€™t have otherwise, but having a physical copy of music - an album, single, or a mix - is extremely important to me. i find comfort in knowing that no one can really ā€œtakeā€ the music away from me in the event that spotify crashed or something. also, with vinyl, especially, having a physical copy of the music forces you to take care of it and pay attention to it. you canā€™t just mindlessly listen to a record because you have to get up and flip it over, and then carefully place it back into its sleeve. if you make a mixtape, you have to sit and think about what songs you want and what order you want them in. if you walk into a music shop, you canā€˜t (or at least most of us canā€™t) just go in there and buy any album(s) on a whim - you have to be selective, because youā€™re spending money on it. also, i just enjoy the experience of going to a record store. the smell of the old albums, sifting through all the bins and shelves, chatting with the owner - itā€™s an experience that will always be so lovely to me, and one i would never have if i solely depended upon my phone for music. i just believe that streaming services have allowed us to become mindless consumers of media. we take it all for granted and arenā€™t as intentional about any of it as we used to be. i suppose itā€™s another form of overconsumption. once again, i am extremely glad of what the platforms have allowed me to find, and i donā€™t think theyā€™re evil, i just think many folks have lost sight of how music is supposed to be treated.
Oct 1, 2024

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