you don't have to be on edge about everything all the time... trust that you can handle whatever is on the other side of your worries. it rarely is as hard or as painful as you think it will be... yeah <3
every moment is fleeting. so are feelings and problems most of the time. whether life is good or bad right now won't dictate what your life will look like one year from now. everything can change! everything will change! anything can happen! everything will happen!
i love the feeling of new beginnings... the almost unlimited nature of them... no judgment just exploration... potential of discovery... oh yea that's my jam.. i wish i could approach everything in life like this..
today i thought i wanted to quit my job but i knew i was only thinking that because i was tired as hell and when i'm not i do appreciate the job i have... idk i just feel good about the fact that i'm able to identify these types of feelings while they're happening and just push through them cuz they're inevitable but they're never final