passing through Irvine (I hate it here) but got some great friends who always make it a good time
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Nov 17, 2024

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friends are cool, having them in the same city was cool also having friends in other cities gives u reasons to go to other cities also very cool
Dec 18, 2024
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A lot of my friends live in a different state than me and I take the train up to see them semi-regularly, which gives me something to look forward to often and makes hanging out feel extra special. I’ve also found that by coming to town local friends are brought together who otherwise may not have seen eachother for a while because life in proximity can often shake out to a “I can always see them next weekend” mentality. Visiting helps to sustain an intentionality to my friendships’ which I like and think is important. Having friends visit is also very sweet and a rewarding experience that makes my heart swell. Additionally, having sleepovers as an adult is rare but sleeping next to your friend and having a coffee in the morning is a top tier experience which is not going to go wasted on me.
Dec 28, 2024
I love spending time with my friends. It is my favorite thing to do. There is nothing better than making plans to see my friends, especially if I haven’t seen them in a long time. I also love running into my friends, I think that is the most magical thing about living in New York, you get to run into your friends everywhere you go. I love a good chat with my friends, both new and old. My favorite thing about touring is making new friends who live in different places and then getting to see them when we go back to those places. I love hearing about all of the life experiences my friends are having or have had or are aspiring to have, but it is even more special when I get to experience a little bit of life with them.
Oct 25, 2023

Top Recs from @bilalbikile

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Been off this app lately cuz ive been busy opening an art gallery in my hometown (San Diego) called Deixis Gallery! Been such a wonderful experience so far. It’s so beautiful to see how community comes together to help with every step along the way. Friends came by and helped paint, do construction, a friend of mine built us some benches from scratch, and a bunch of amazing artists participated in the inaugural exhibition. So hyped, truly recommend. And shout out to allstnyc for the encouragement back when I first posted an ask about opening a gallery! 🤞🏿🤞🏿🤞🏿also if you find yourself in San Diego, make sure to stop by! @deixisgallery
Jan 6, 2025
I got an IG follow and message last night from a girl I knew in MIDDLE school (12+ yrs ago). I haven’t talked to or seen her since then, but she’d often pop up in my mind, the last time being just a few days ago. All I remember is that I used to enjoy talking to her. the first thing she said in her message was that for some reason, she’d think about me often, and also, for no particular reason… we barely knew each other back then So, we decided we’re gonna hang out soon - don’t know why, but it just feels right. 🔮
Feb 22, 2025