Go catch a fish read a book climb a mountain ride a bicycle eat at a great restaurant make friends go see live music dance make art and don’t post about it
Does Instagram make you feel bad? Okay, well, log off then. We were put on this Earth to Goof Off and Have Fun, and it is well within your power to just ignore shit you don’t like. If you want to care about Shit That Is Important go do it in person.
Generally speaking, I wanna reorganize the way I use the internet. I wanna participate and interact with people. I feel like on Instagram I’ve been worrying too much about the mystique I create for myself, like I’m constantly advertising myself. It feels icky and I’m ready to give it up.
This has been a total game-changer for me. It shifts the focus away from validation and back to just enjoying the content. I love posting and being able to share without any expectations or pressure from others feels so refreshing—it lets me just enjoy the app without all the noise.
I’m foreseeing a future movement. 🙂↔️
I used to think the no.8 was the best but I picked up a no.7 at a flea market in Brussels and it is a superior tool for cutting fruit on the go, opening packages, and fighting street-toughs.