There are many good reasons to give up alcohol but one finally pushed me to taking the leap: sleep. Even a beer or two will leave me tossing and turning all night, and I value a good night’s rest too much. I’ve moved to drinking a variety of alternatives and I really haven’t looked back since. It’s been months since I’ve switched and the benefits of not drinking have far outweighed what I’ve given up. Athletic Brewing Company has become my beer of choice because it’s the first I’ve found to actually taste like beer, but I also have this great cocktail recipe book called Zero Proof. There’s a jalapeño cocktail in this book that is truly out of this world.
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Nov 18, 2024

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do people even like drinking anymore? that stuff 10 years ago was the coolest thing and we couldn't wait to thursdays to get to the student nights in the bars in town. everyone now seems to dig being healthy which is cool but there's so much stories and situations i have gotten into thanks to drink and would hate for folk to miss out on that stuff. but here i am, 28 yo and thinking it's time to stop. a beer now costs way to much and i am spending like 100 on a night just to wake up depressed, anxious, fatter, and broker? what's up with that??
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