watching the tree change and being there for all it’s subtle stages of browning and blooming is a beautiful experience that can yield great appreciation and joy. i believe that spending time in nature when the seasons are changing can provide much comfort and relief to seasonal depression and other feelings that come when the days grow dark and cold.
Take a picture of one tree throughout the entirety of autumn . There is probably some coffee-table metaphor about how you change like the trees or something but I am just vain. It’s just beautiful and nice to keep tabs on one tree. I have a tree near my work. His name is Robert and he is mine. He is going through a ginger phase right now though I suspect that he soon will be bald. Read more in my latest substack article
it’s one of the best things you can do for your soul. especially during this time of year as a way of saying “thank you” for blooming. they hug you back!
i love walking around outside. i love a body of water. if i don't see my river once i week i start losing it a little. trail walks feel almost grotesque in the winter sometimes. like a barren wasteland. looking for the details is where it's at
hope and yearning are two very different things and while yearning can be natural at times it’s not gotten me places or offered solutions like hope has. hope is optimistic, hope believes in possibilities.