Anti rec :( if It’s a friend, that’s great, but someone I don’t know? I never fail to sound worse than I intend. Either awkward or slightly bothered, I take on a tone that is unexpected and Not Ideal.
But I love to talk on the phone—if I’m expecting it. usually, unless you’re my parents or grandparents, I’m not answering unless you text me first to tell me why you’re calling. So yeah, I def don’t answer when randoms call 😂
the only time i dont answer the phone is if i cant. idc if i dont know the number, idc if it's someone i haven't spoken to in ages, it doesn't even matter if i like the person or not. texting is horrible and i think people's call aversion is un peu absurd. there's nothing like hearing another person's voice
You will surprise yourself and you will connect with the coolest groups of people. Don’t let imposter syndrome or rejection stop you. Get rejected one hundred times. It’s worth it for the times you’ll be seen and accepted and supported. And you get to support others while you’re at it.