when the sun goes down at 5pm it’s hard to watch the remaining hours before bedtime go by, so why not make your roommate be strange outside and take pictures.
sun doesn’t set until 11pm, so spend all your time outside until it does. and even after, look at the stars, watch the sky change, feel the cool breeze
Mosey around with coffee in hand and see what’s up.
Check on the plants
Stare at your bookshelf
Look out the window
Appreciate the nice light in that corner
It’s good night moon but the opposite 🌞
This has been a total game-changer for me. It shifts the focus away from validation and back to just enjoying the content. I love posting and being able to share without any expectations or pressure from others feels so refreshing—it lets me just enjoy the app without all the noise.
I’m foreseeing a future movement. 🙂↔️