My neighborhood family of deer still visit regularly. The young buck is growing little antler nubbins 🥹❤️
every day since my overgrown lawn has been tamed my resident backyard squirrel runs around, lightly digging and foraging for acorns. it's been a treat to watch him through my office window as he explores!!
The chipmunks chatter up in the trees and throw acorns down at my dog because they hate his ass. I love looking up and seeing if I can pinpoint their location in the branches by their sounds it makes me feel so in tune with nature.
My father gave me binoculars as a gift before I really had occasion to use them and I need to find them and bust them out…
like cat tv for humans. i put the bird cam on every morning on my tv, watching them interact really brightens my day. love seeing my favs - mourning doves, the occasional woodpecker, the errant squirrel that climbed his way into the feeder