I’m a simple gal, a bunch of kids doing helium voices ✨for science✨ is enough to get some chuckles out of me.
(Might be better for context to also watch episode 47).
I had this on in the background while crafting in my living room, so I was in and out, but I fucking CACKLED at the humor in this. Gets slightly dark but is still upheld by the comedic elements I think
but prob god only knows by the beach boys
a few others that are in the conversation:
one headlight - the wallflowers
transatlanticism - death cab
beach life in death / famous prophets - car seat headrest
aaaaaaand im gonna stop there because this is going to quickly become MY favorite songs of all time... whoops...
skate 3 has been there for me any time i've been overwhelmed. something about hitting miracle whips at the megapark over and over just satisfies me to no end.
other than that, i've heard webfishing is awesome and super chill vibes but i havent gotten around to it yet :P