personalize your stuff. let everyone know it’s yours. show people what you like. start a conversation about their stickers. make a new friend. water bottle? more like place to put more stickers. mac book? more like sticker book. love the things you love. show them off. slap your friend’s band’s sticker on your suitcase. put a goofy bumper sticker on your car.
the meaning of life is to decorate!!
this is my laptop, my pride and joy. and proof that i have no self control. :D
Putting stickers on everything (especially puffy stickers) just makes the world a better place. I just ordered like 200 sheets of My Melody puffy stickers (I know it's excessive) but I swear it just makes you a happier, healthier person to have stickers in your life. Any time I send a friend a letter…STICKERS…guitar…STICKERS…notebook…STICKERS!!! Stickers everywhere 4 ever.
stickers all over laptop, water bottles, phone case; walls covered in posters, postcards, random assorted mementos; bookshelf decked out with candles, trinkets, garbage that i collect……the maximalist never rests
i went to loch ness today!! i’ve wanted to go there ever since i was a little kid reading my monsters and cryptids book from the book fair cause i was a freaky little spooky kid. did not see any monsters but i bought a little figurine from the nessie hunter guy in dore :)