love using my little digicam to take pics everyday things and see the beauty in every moment. took this pic of the windmill at my grandparents’s farm at golden hour a couple of days ago.
Bringing my digicam on walks has helped me pay attention to small and mundane things around me everyday. It’s beautiful capturing a moment that others are living!
Here’s a picture I took of a truck which has a logo that matches the mountain peaks behind it! :)
light, shadows, textures, things accidentally making a pretty composition, everyday has so much art just waiting to be noticed. now my camera roll is a reminder of the beauty i see in the world
My dad always tells me to take a lot of photos of things that may seem mundane to me today -> i.e the streets I walk on often, or the front of the coffee shops I always go to.
Simply because it’ll be nice to look back on, and the film is cheap (bc it’s an iPhone).
i went to loch ness today!! i’ve wanted to go there ever since i was a little kid reading my monsters and cryptids book from the book fair cause i was a freaky little spooky kid. did not see any monsters but i bought a little figurine from the nessie hunter guy in dore :)