Consumerism is fascinating, especially for someone who studied both Sociology and Media Literacy in school. Commercials are rich texts full of cultural values and norms. They’re incredibly interesting to watch.
Dec 1, 2024

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I've been really into watching YC videos on how to start and run a successful tech start up after learning more about them during the whole OpenAI debacle. I'm like 60% sure I don't want to start my own company any time soon but it's still really interesting to me to hear about how these people think and a lot of does really apply to any corporate/tech job in general. (I do feel conflicted though because I'm sure most of these people are cash grab capitalists trying to get rich quick and are insufferable to talk to IRL tho, but sometimes they do say interesting stuff I haven't thought of before and agree with)
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Prescriptive gender is a prison. Rather than gender being a form of self-expression, gender is treated as a pass/fail test for how well you can conform to cultural expectations. Since I was young, I remember feeling a great deal of pressure to conform to these expectations around what “men” are meant to be. You like sports, cars, womanizing, aggression, and not having feelings. I felt so distant from this ideal. I was sensitive and shy, and I preferred spending my time being creative in some way For a long time, I felt like I was failing at “being a man.” In many ways I was! Because I didn’t need to bea man. All I needed to be was myself. It’s taken me a long time to separate myself from prescriptive gender, sharpening in on which aspects of masculine energy I identify with and which I don’t. I’m not done yet. Maybe I will never fully be. The self continues to evolve over time, and I suspect aspects of my gender will too.