i’m lucky enough still have a grandmother in my mid 30s—which I think is an age where you’re settled enough to finally get to know your adult family members on a personal level. The generation gap definitely means I’m always on my toes when we hang out cos I can never predict what she’s gonna do, but she’s funny and wise, makes friends wherever she goes, doesn’t give af, is a mean cook, can do quiet company like no one else, and loves me to smithereens.
Dec 4, 2024

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my grandad is one of the best people out there and he’s about to die, i’m very glad we got to do so much stuff together and become friends. our relationship really shaped me. visit your grandparents :)
May 5, 2024
I think most young people are afraid of hanging out with old people because the elderly can be depressing and I really get that. I have had the pleasure of being close friends with my grandparents, and I practice speaking to them the way I would speak to a fellow young person. Close proximity to decades of memories and wisdom stored inside an elderly friend, can provide a profound sensation of awareness in one’s everyday life. I think that older people are similar to children in that they just want to be treated as equals. Once they are treated like equals, they are a pleasure!
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Top Recs from @murdonner

I’m on the wrong side of 33 and i can tell you with utmost certainty that your 20s is the most chaotic time of your life and it’s amazing that anyone actually gets anything done during them. If you’re a type a planning type personality however I would recommend: - if you’re the sort of person who cares about diet and fitness, establish those routines in your 20s - live where you wanna live. Don’t live somewhere you hate because you think you’ll have more fun later cos you won’t - get a job that makes reliable money that you can tolerate and go back to if your dreams fall through. It doesn’t have to be a dream job it just has to pay the rent and not make you sad - don't smoke cigarettes - use sunscreen - be as cringe as you want. People expect it from you anyway. They won’t have as much patience in your 30s.
Nov 25, 2024
Walking into a formal celebration and taking in everyone looking and smelling good. The smell always stays with me the most—cologne, soap, hair product, cigarettes, leather, shoe polish. Everyone so clean and proud and a little bit shy. So special.
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