Do you ever think about the silly flash games you played when you were younger and think "damn, I wish I could play it again?". NOW YOU CAN & THIS IS YOUR SIGN!! Flashpoint Archive is a community-run archive that was born in the years leading up to Adobe Flash's demise in 2020. In the span of those few years, people searched the corners of the internet and saved as much Flash media as humanly possible-- they have about 150,000 games saved, not including the other pieces of media in their archives. You can look up games in their search engine and using the Ruffle emulator (or the Flashpoint API) you can play all the games you missed :) NOTE: Some of the games are non-functional, but the .swf are saved in the Archives for preservation. The Flashpoint community is still alive & well, and they have a discord server for anyone looking to contribute/hang out/give feedback!
Dec 5, 2024

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Some of them might be here https://archive.org/details/internetarcade
Sep 4, 2024
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not too long ago, I made a list going of all the PC games I could recall playing as a kid. I wanted to relive those precious afternoons I spent losing track of time in the computer lab of my public library. I recently found one of my favs, Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (1996) on Steam. playing it as an adult brought me so much joy, I can't even tell you. and the reviews on Steam made me smile so much, especially the one below (hilarious). I also realized that Pajama Sam is voiced by Pamela Adlon (Spinelli Recess, Bobby King of the Hill, etc.) which is cool af. so go find those games you used to play & travel back in time! I was shocked with how much I remembered. plus there's nothing like hearing those 90's sound FX, they just don't make em like that anymore. :')
Sep 23, 2024
kinda basic but truly what a fun game. I dabbled in a lot of those multiplayer websites when I was wayyy too young (parents didn’t care abt internet restriction; I’m the youngest child in my fam) but this was just the best. My brother and I used to wait until midnight on holidays to see what the drops would look like. Learned vaguely about sex and bullying and surfing, as much as the website allowed at least. My friend the other day sent me a meme that had a pic of the lighthouse and I felt genuine nostalgia. When it shut down, I dabbled in the legacy ”mod” and have been thinking about getting back into it 🤔 a trip down memory lane!
Oct 14, 2024

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It shows a long life and the many smiles you've given and experienced!! It's a permanent remembrance of happiness and I think that's beautiful!!
21h ago
I have to disagree with the people who say that we need to “stay” and “fight“ for IG to be a better platform because in actuality, it’s our presence and engagement that gives them data, and therefore money. As long as they have those 2 things, they make their bottom line and won’t really care about its users desires unless they’re making a move for the optics. If we REALLY want to hold them accountable, we need to impact the money they make, which means permanently deleting or marking your account as inactive & never coming back. They’ll only care if they’re bleeding money— so make them bleed.
Feb 22, 2025
As someone who has terrible object permanence and can NEVER remember the existence of something if I can't see it (this includes objects AND goals), it was quite literally the best way to keep awareness of my long term goals, even when life started falling apart and getting hectic. At the end of the year I always look at my vision board and realize that I genuinely fulfilled a good majority of the goals on there, and it's so sweet Always keep your eyes on the prize yall and always dare to dream !!!
Dec 20, 2024