wuluwu wack ass amazing thriller and also ive watched the trailer 20 times in it’s own right, super fucking brill up to you to decide if the sex scenes fall into the category of cliched pornographic lesbianism or a tongue-in-cheek sexual freedom

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if you haven’t seen it already — you can tell a woman co-wrote lol and the storyline and main plot twist is sooo interesting omg. it totally lives up to the hype imo (def look up the tws first if u need, there’s a few (skippable) vv short scenes that are sad)
Jul 8, 2024
Céline Sciamma’s queer feminist period drama about two wammin passing the Bechdel test in the Age of Patriarchy gets a thumbs up from me. I watched this movie on the plane and it’s common knowledge that flying makes you emotional/horny, which might explain why it left such a lasting impression.This film has everything you could possibly want: lesbians, nudity, costumes, art history references, vision — all while maintaining an uncharacteristic degree of restraint and not going too hard on the political statements. The casual absence of men for the most part is a nice touch. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s up there in my hall of fame, along with Harold Pinter and Joseph Losey’s The Go-Between, Peter Greenaway’s The Draughtsman’s Contract and Alain Corneau’s All the Mornings of the World. The only thing that would’ve made it better in my opinion is if they delivered on all the threats of self-immolation in the end, but endings are something that filmmakers historically seem to struggle with, so next.
Aug 23, 2022

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