is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
Dec 8, 2024

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I haven’t been to many shows lately for this reason. Tickets are so expensive, and then I have to stand there listening to drunk people yell at each other over the music? No thanks. Movie theaters are so a no go for me. I’d rather stream at home.
Jan 6, 2025
Do British people actually say mates? And does gig mean concert? Anthropologie in action
Dec 9, 2024
imkhushi yes and yes. Does gig not mean that to you? I guess it’s Show?
Dec 10, 2024
mouse tbh gig isn’t super big in the lexicon like I would never call anything a gig but an artist in an interview might refer to their own concert as a gig but like I would call it a concert or yeah a show if it was a different medium but I don’t know that that’s a commonly used phrase either
Dec 11, 2024
imkhushi Plus ive never said pub before. Bar if there’s tables plus dancing. Club if it’s just dancing. Dive bar if it’s like sit down and chat and maybe play pool type situation. Cocktail bar for cocktails…I guess we’re very specific. I think also a bar includes paying cover while a dive bar wouldn’t
Dec 11, 2024
imkhushi interesting. I think pub is a very specifically British thing, like a pub and a bar are two different things. Although “going to the pub“ generally means going for a drink, especially in this context if you wanna sit and chat rather than dance or whatever. also what is paying cover?
Dec 12, 2024
imkhushi for me/us (although I won’t speak for every British person) concert would be like a bigger gig or a classical one, often when you’re sitting down in the audience. like if I was going to a stadium show or an Orchestra concert. Whereas a small show with like local bands, or in a smaller venue with sticky floors that sells red stripe or whatever would be a gig.
Dec 12, 2024
mouse for example, I am a very small independent artist. I play gigs, I’ve never played a concert.
Dec 12, 2024
mouse tell a lie, I did a concert recently where a chamber choir sang being me. that was a concert because choirs are classical and perform in concert spaces. It’s a wobbly undefined line lmao
Dec 12, 2024
mouse honestly we could use some pubs. There’s not so much of a space to just go for a drink and sit and chat with a friend. grabbing a drink together would be like going to a restaurant but sitting at the high top bar area. Anywhere else you’re kind of rushed out and it’s kind of not etiquette to wait around that long and not spend that much. Also you guys don’t pay cover??? Lucky omg. It’s like most bars you have to pay 10-20$ cash to get in! And if it’s a holiday or a fancy place 100+. more places are taking card now but otherwise you gotta remember to hit the atm before.
Dec 12, 2024
mouse I think the performing space deciding if it’s a concert makes way more sense. But also I don’t like the word gig like phonetically coming out of my mouth lol. And congrats on all the performances that’s awesome!!
Dec 12, 2024
imkhushi but yeah I won’t speak for all Americans lol
Dec 12, 2024
imkhushi Just to add to the nomenclature discourse, I'm not a huge fan of traditional pubs per se (too quiet/bright) but enjoy the UK innovation of "plubs" (pubs which, possibly discreetly, possess a powerful soundsystem and a DJ booth which are unleashed on Fridays/Saturdays)
Jan 5, 2025
At least partially to blame is the fact that music has been devalued so much in the past 10 years. Most people just stream instead of buying music these days (on platforms where artists barely make any money and are incentivized to just keep pumping out singles). I think technology has fundamentally changed peoples’ relationship with it too, and listening has gone from an intentional act to an effortless default in soundtracking the lives the ever-growing cast of Main Characters Out there. There are some small places where everyone’s on the same page about listening intently and being respectful, but for some of the larger venues, there’s a high chance that you’ll be stuck amongst the noisy masses.
Dec 9, 2024
theclack you’re probably right there. I do also think there’s a “gigs as a night out” thing happening. possibly because soooo many more people started bands and playing music in/post lockdown and so people dont see musicians as professionals doing a thing? anyway this was all inspired by two separate groups of people in their early 20s stood at the back of a gig I played last week literally shouting at each other the whole time and not applauding between songs for ANY of the acts not even the headliner! Like why have you bothered to come if you don’t care about anyone playing?! (I think they were friends of the girlfriends of the opening acts…so they should know better!).
Dec 9, 2024
i've found that gig etiquette really got lost during the pandemic. young people don't realize the toll it takes on your body physically (the amount of audience members passing out at gigs increased when live shows returned) and they don't really get that intimate gigs are for experiencing music, not a place to hang.
Dec 8, 2024
sofiadangelo very much this! Social graces definitely atrophied in that time. I also wonder about the phenomenon where I (and I’m sure many others) didn’t go to shows for several years during the pandemic, so when everyone returned, there was suddenly a new show-going generation in the room that had very different habits
Dec 9, 2024
people have forgotten how to behave
Dec 8, 2024
Shadowbeni and (not to sound really old) but I think the younger generations never knew how to in the first place
Dec 8, 2024

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going to a friends dj set is the lamest shit you can do these days everyone thinks they’re way too cool and at 99% of the gigs no one is dancing or having a good time. cover bands are wayyyy more fun and you have a way better time. no one is taking it seriously, so much more work is involved and it’s way sicker to see live music than your friends play to an empty bar on a weeknight
Feb 22, 2024
i started out in a similar dilemma you seem to be in where i knew i would regret not seeing an artist at all so i'd rather go alone than miss it. now this is how i go to most concerts. my tips are to do whatever helps you feel the most comfortable and try to put as few barriers between you and the direct experience of the music as possible. for me, this looks like putting my phone on dnd, wearing filtering ear plugs (blocks loudness but not clarity), and maybe bringing a film/digital camera to take some pics without having to use my phone and then getting sucked into checking notifs and being taken out of the moment. crowd behavior really depends on the show in my experience, but usually if you're at the same show as a stranger there's a good chance you have at least an affinity for that specific artist/genre in common. so if you're comfortable striking up convos with strangers, start there! make some friends! dress however you're comfortable, but in my experience putting on a fit that you're really confident in is like social armor. you feel better and so you present better, and if you feel like drawing attention it will feel more like good attention than anxious insecure attention, "everyone's noticing me 🫣🤭👀🫦😮‍💨🙂‍↕️😏" vs "everyone's noticing me 🫠😥🫥😣🫨😶‍🌫️😵‍💫" as far as how to act at a DJ set, i have a whole separate rec about that, but in short just try to engage with the crowd and not the dj whose job isn't really to put on a performance as much as it is to curate a vibe in the room and get folks dancin. just do whatever feels better than standing still and engage with the energy of the crowd. if you have a substance of preference to get you out of your head, use it in moderation to grease the joints (especially if you're flying solo do be safe and know your limits)
Oct 19, 2024

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