adam as a photographer sees the world the most similarly to me, and takes photos the way i want to take them. i especially like his work without people in it, because it almost all has the presence of a person without capturing that individualā€™s body. tldr he captures human presence well. this series he did (linked) of his parentsā€™ long time apartment when they were moving out has always stuck with me. and he has a book of photos from the UN right before it underwent renovation called international territory that i am obsessed with (if anyone wants to buy the book for mešŸ«Ø)
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Dec 9, 2024

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i spent 2 months in Istanbul, Turkey at the end of 2020. Since covid was still about I spent the 2 months just wandering the old and new cities with a camera in hand. I took this one at a time when I was greatly obsessed with Jeff Wallsā€™ photo ā€œThe Destroyed Roomā€ and how I would love to recreate something of that sort. One night I was on Istiklal (one of the busiest promenades in the city with shops and restaurants and a trolley that rolled thru the middle of it) and it was time to pray the evening prayer, yet I was too far from a mosque (surprisingly) that I needed to pray out in the street. My cousin and I put our jackets down in preparation of making our prayer, when right as we were about to start, two men outside of their restaurant told us there was no need and invited us inside their establishment to pray in there. They led us down to their basement, which funny enough, was slightly flooded, and the spot in which they set for us to pray, was an old wooden table top floating above the leaking water. Looking around the basement, at the far wall, were these stacked chairs, tables, and junk, possibly leftovers from a recent renovation. And there was this obscure painting sitting perfectly in the middle of it all. Two Arabic letters painted on the canvas which Iā€˜d noticed in many other places in Istanbul, yet never really understood the meaning behind. And as my cousin went to pray first, on the floating piece of wood, I couldnā€™t help but think of Jeff Wallsā€˜ photo and how reminiscent the composition, colors, and overall optics were to this junk in the basement. I took one single photo and was happy with it. And as much as I love the work itself, the story behind it is my favorite. Itā€™s always the first that comes to mind when someone asks what my favorite photo I took is. Thanks for this ask! Always love sharing this. šŸ˜
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