when i was a kid we always had time warner cable boxes that had digital clocks on them and i would always look to those to check the time. having a fixed point in a space to look at and instantly know the time is goated. i would check my phone but idk where i put that fuckin thing
1. can gaslight friends and loved ones by constantly “checking the time” 2. can set the time to whatever you want including funny times like 5:00 and 4:20
i bought mine for like 30 bucks on the goodwill auction site. it shoots 480p which is easy to edit and doesn’t require a lot of storage space and it has an aesthetic that i just think is neat. bring it with you everywhere and record interesting things you see or do. when you have enough footage edit it into a video. make it funny, post it unlisted on youtube and send it to your friends to make them laugh.