it's time to heal the part of your inner chid that hardcore studied for spelling bees because they were so bad at spelling... in fact just turn off autocorrect all together, very liberating
Don’t go back and fix them .. if it’s really unintelligible just try again next text… leaving your typos lets your interlocutor know you are not a predator , just a regular as hell person with subpar fine motor skills
its called Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World by Mark Kurlansky. holy shit fish are fun, ishmeal is technically fiction but barely, and it feels like nonsfiction that reads like fiction, have fun :)
i like doing it myself, but having someone else do it is ok too. it doesnt need to look goood. just remove a lot, give it a few days to settle, and clean it up. just experience air on the back of your neck. phenominal and reinvigorating! snip snip