Pick a project, that’s small but meaningful, and pursue it. Something you can do in a few days but will give you a sense of accomplishment. In the past, I’ve tended to use small series of paintings or series of small paintings for this
To get a bit of momentum I do the tiniest amount of the task and use that success to do the next bit until I somehow finish and/or go beyond what I needed to do. It’s not always fast but it works for me.
If you have three big projects that have no end in sight you can start and finish one small project. You will still have three big unfinished projects but you will also have one completed one. Like crochet ant…
Sometimes, if my cat really wants my attention, he‘ll grab my leg loosely and bite me, where it hurts for a bit but leaves no mark nor blood. It’s not quite fun- but I think it serves a meaningful place in life