congratulations on your senior year that's amazing! for me college was the best experience but i truly believe it is what you make of it. i took my 1st semester easy & luckily i had a great roommate that accompanied me to all types of social events i could find on our school's event board. going to social events helped me make friends & helped even decide classes i wanted to take outside my required classes.
my 2nd semester i started to get more serious about my club involvement & ended up on executive board positions which truly have helped me now that i'm graduated & in the professional field. aside from clubs and social involvement, i loved my classes & took a few classes outside my major that helped expand my knowledge & kind of made me more well rounded. ik college isn't for everyone but for me, it exposed me to new ways of thinking i don't think i would've been exposed to. it also expanded my professional network which will and has helped with job prospects.
i now regularly stay in contact with my friends from college & although we're in complete different parts of the world, we schedule weekly facetimes & find ways to visit each other every so often.
p.s. sorry this was long! i loved my experience and love sharing it with others because i truly believe college expands your knowledge, if you ever need advice on the application process or want to know anything else please reach out!! i wish you the best of luck on whatever journey you decide to take! <3