Bartenders make the world go round. Be kind 2 them. Take care of them.
What a talent it is 2 be a great conversationalist while serving up bomb ass drinks.
Live that fantasy baby. Trauma dump on your friend who is technically paid to listen. Stay late at the pub and have a little ciggie with your pal on the clock
shooting the shit while your coffee is being made, asking what music they’ve been listening to, where they’ve eaten recently. Maybe they toss in a free croissant every once in a while
Cut & paste & cut & paste hell yeah
Pictured: collage I made yesterday while a local band of old men were living out their glory days playing the blues in the background
She is a self taught baker w the most whimsical cakes— I came across her tiktok when she was showing her collection of mustards. I’m a fan <3
Pictured here is her latest cake
I ran a mile 2 a coffee shop. Walked back with an iced honey lavender latte and saw a very cool spider. The baristas were very nice. It's like a REWARD.