for the last three years i have been using the weekly planner elite black (size medium) from passion planner and i love it. however i am no longer a student, and this year i realized that planner is maybe not ideal for me as someone who’s not a student anymore. i‘ve been looking for while, and i’ve been persuaded. i just got a hobonichi weeks and i am really loving it so far. it’s a great size and so much more useful to me and my life now. i’m so excited:D
in the past i have been bad about keeping a schedule, so days off/holidays sneak up on me and it is hard to plan ahead. last year i committed to using a paper planner and it has been really nice to see the week/month ahead and also to be able to look back. sort of functions as a low-pressure scrapbook. i use one from marjolein delhaas. i have the orange but there are other colors.
I’m not a student anymore but I was for most of my life. I also absolutely struggle to break down tasks and unless I see a list of what I have to do physically in front of me, it is so hard to recall it and feel motivated to do it. I found that a notebook that shows me everything I have to do for a week or for a day, helps tremendously. I used to use the weekly moleskine but now I use a Hobonichi hon (though they also offer weekly layouts).
Also Hobonichi has a weird community of enthusiasts. the sub Reddit is amazing for creative inspiration. hope that helps.
Hello stationary nerds! Being 30 means I spent my school years using a notebook planner for assignments and reminders but since college I've been using apps for calendars+tasks.
But last week the revelation came out of nowhere (that's a lie, my wife suggested I needed something more tangible to organize my chaotic brain) and I've never felt more relieved since I got this whiteboard. She specifically recommended this one which allows me to have long-term projects/reminders on the right and pin cute polaroids in the cork section below.
BONUS: Tiny tab post-its & ultra-fine coloured markers. Tabs for categorizing and be able to move things around without having to erase something constantly. Ultra-fine markers to write more things in small spaces. 0.7mm is what I'm using.
Have fun!!
i could talk about succession for hours. idc that it ended over a year ago. i’ve seen that show 5+ times and i could go on and on forever
i could go on for hours abt so many things, i can’t lie to you. what’s yours?