daily sneakers-- in my 4th year and on my 4th pair. though they're no longer the only shoes I wear , on days that I wear other shoes I'm still palpably aware that i am who I am for owning and wearing them. I've been shaped by my simples and they have been shaped by me. to love is to be changed, to be loved is to change or whatever
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Dec 17, 2024

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been a big fan of using things down to the last drop, especially clothing which our culture increasingly is treating as disposable. i've had these sneakers for like 7 years. they survived hot texas pavement you could fry an egg on while i was working at summer camp, carried me on plenty of hikes, survived getting submerged in salt water in connecticut, and lived most of their golden years in the trunk of my car as the forever on-call backup shoes. their last act of service to me was walking me three miles home after the chain snapped on my bike. by the time the midsole peeled off just now, the treads on the soles had been almost completely worn flat. time to get some new sneakers and grind them to dust for 7 years. thanks for the arch support, New Balance 574s 🫑
Nov 29, 2024
They are super comfortable & wont phase out of the trend cycle like a samba, for example. I mean they are straight from the 60s! My last pair have lasted me 6 years until recently when the soles began to crack. In my attempts to commit to less material consumption this year, it seems counterintuitive to post about buying new shoes but hear me out– I have been returning to the idea of buying what I know I like instead of what I might like and trying only to buy when I need.
Apr 17, 2024

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to move back one level from a bullet point so like if you're in a sub-bullet but you want to go back one level, shift+tab will do it for u... or will shift u back one tab amount if ur not bullet-ing
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