I swear by this stuff and Coldeeze. That and adding some Manuka honey to your tea. I think that combo cut my cold time in half last time I was sick, it was great.
Burn all the bacteria (or viruses) away while at the same time soothing your throat! Currently also sick and just gargled some salt water too. The worst part for me is choking on phlegm and junk in my chest. I have tried every medicine out there and still struggle!! Going to try a spoonful of honey before bed because two people told me to do that today. 🤞
There was a time i would pfft Theraflu and the chemicals of it all but in reality it doesn’t taste that bad, it’s so nice to drink hot bevs when sick, and it‘s helping me feel better!
I got a new keyboard for work from NuPhy with Moss switches and every time I start typing, it sounds like raindrops. Best purchase I've made in a REALLY long time.
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