They usually have fewer videos and pop-ups and ads to make cooking soup a complete pain in the butt. Hit “Print” and enjoy the simple pleasure of plain text.
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Dec 19, 2024

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i’m so done with 700 ads on a recipe page for pasta
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I admittedly have a lot of pet peeves, but leading the pack is online recipes of any stripe. Food blog, bon apetit post, tiktok caption…they're all a nightmare, and I hate them. I ✨hate✨ them!!! Who wants to click out of a half dozen pop up ads with messy hands and stuff going on the stove? Who is that experience for?? Especially when nearly every recipe you could ever hope to need or imagine already exists in libraries and thrift stores (both of which offer both cookbooks and food magazines!). that being said… I’m not above referencing Smitten Kitchen or Sally’s or Modern Proper. But i’ve taken to physically writing down those recipes ahead of time, and it’s amazing how much it improves the cooking/baking experience both in terms of easy reference and also in the way it helps me mentally think through the process. I recommend physical recipes!!!
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The guy got my attention with, “Hey, I like your shoes.” Just like that, he had me. We talked about where I bought the shoes and how I used to work in the shoe industry. He used to work in the beer industry but had recently become independently wealthy because of an investment opportunity he started with a few of his friends. ”You get to be your own boss,” he told me. Your boot could be on your own neck. We’re back to the topic of shoes. He told me it’s a small investment to get started but things are really taking off and I could get in on the ground floor. I could quit my job. Work for myself. Had I ever considered doing something like that? “No,” I said with a shrug. I walked away with my jar of peanut butter. I can’t remember if it was creamy or crunchy. Probably crunchy. Nice guy!
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