gift giving is such a classy thing imo and it’s so so good when you get it right.
for people I’ve known for a long time I keep a running list in my notes app with things I know they will like. If you don’t know, ask someone who is close with them. Give them a list of options and make them help you narrow it down.
Good general categories for when you’re just not sure are:
- books (ask someone what they like)
- kitchen items (find out whether they’re a baker, a cake person, a bread person, etc)
- outdoorsy shit if they’re outdoorsy (multi tools, portable cooking equipment etc)
- cute boxes or bags (if the thing is cheap or practical but boring you can give it that wow factor by putting it inside something else)
Finally, if you have no idea what to get someone, most people will appreciate a really nice jar of small-batch jam or honey. Or movie vouchers.