My shoulders flick, my arm twitches, foot taps, now my leg is moving, both legs in fact—and my whole body is following suit—swinging and swaying, headphones are in or the speaker is blaring, John on vocals—“wait, oh yes, wait a minute, Mr. Postman”—George on lead guitar, Paul backing and laying down heavy bass lines, Ringo slashing at the drum: “Mr. Postman, look and see, see if there’s a letter there for me”—and now I’m in full dance, leaning and hopping, doing the lawnmower, the ice skater, the hot coals, inventing new moves, absolutely owning the moment, slaughtering the moment, absolutely beating it to death, there’s never been another dance moment like this—“you gotta wait a minute, oh yeah, wait a minute, oh yeah”—and then it’s over and I’m done and I’m moving on, as if nothing happened, no one knows, but I know and it did happen, it definitely happened, a joyful moment, a moveable feast: every second a gift.
Dec 20, 2024

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find me daNcing in my room. alonE. nO one to watch me. find me moving to musiC hoW it feels right to me. find me juMping up and down. find me moving sustAined. find me in betwEen. but you won't find me - for once the eYes of others fall upon me, my mind drIfts and the movement I once made so freely vanishes into the aiR. perhaps I need to dance alone in a crowded place we shall sEe.
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