not talking about the insane shit where people actually seem like they're trying to kill eachother/themselves. but i've been going to a lot of rock shows recently and let me tell u from now on i finna be in the pit. it is so freeing to be able to flail and throw yourself around without anyone batting an eye because they're doing it too. i'll take some hits and some bruises i do not mind. plus, in every experience i've had of this so far everyone has been so unbelievably kind, & sometimes people even apologise for bumping into you afterwards even though that's the point. great way to let your energy out and engage with the loud ass sounds you've come to enjoy. rock on, baby!
Dec 21, 2024

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Was at a show last night and the dj hit play on a bouncy techno jam to close it out, got on the floor and started a mosh pit. Bumping shoulders, hugging, jumping up and down, holding hands, and everyone smiling and laughing. Something about the contact and chaos and care that makes it incredibly special. So much fun if the vibe is right
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Associated with the paper "Collective Motion of Moshers at Heavy Metal Concerts". In the paper, the authors show that depending on slight differences in how individuals respond to collisions, two qualitatively different outcomes appear: (1) a mosh pit, where individuals appear to move randomly based on constant collisions and (2) a spiral pit, where the entire group forms a vortex that spins.
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if you start zooming in on a pattern, and the pattern doesn't seem to get more simple as you close in, there's a very good chance you're looking at a fractal shape. my new computer hobby is going on google earth (clean setting - no borders or labels) and zooming into random places to see if i can find these patterns. and they are everywhere. in rivers, mountains, deserts, forests, coastlines and on and on. its genuinely stunning, and a little bit frightening, how the same shapes appear over and over again. the beating heart of iterative processes is plastered all over the globe at every scale. from above, the shape of a forest can look like a leaf, or a neuron, or a blood vessel. great place to have a zoom is at the bottom of tibet, where theres a sharp cutoff between the icy mountain range and the grassy forests of nepal and bhutan. pic below is of the nile river in southern egypt. happy travels everyone
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i feel like im learning a lot abt u guys.
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