2024 documentary by johan grimonprez that revolves around the USAs export and weaponisation of jazz music in the 1960s as a means of good pr and expanding their global influence in the wake of ongoing cold war tensions and meddling in the Congo. one of the most dynamic, captivating and well edited films i’ve ever seen. unlike any documentary i’ve ever watched both in content and presentation. stylised to the max and truly electrifying.
if you’re not aware of what’s going on in the Congo right now and are looking for a place to start i cant recommend this more, it covers the country’s fight for independence spearheaded by patrice lumumba, his inhumane treatment at the hands of western powers, and Congo’s continued exploitation for it’s vast natural resources which is something that continues to this day. if you have not been already this film will radicalise you. it’s also an essential watch for lovers of jazz, and features footage of some of the greats — louis armstrong, dizzy gillespie and nina simone just to name a few.
my favourite release of this year and the greatest film i’ve watched in a very long time.