I initially had an indifferent perspective on my name. First seeing it as something entirely boring and a little old fashioned in a family full of ā€œclassically namedā€œ american folks, then to seeing it as surprisingly over played the older I got. - In recent years Iā€™ve essentially truncated my last name to Sage because my surname is difficult to spell & pronounce. I love that many adult acquaintances donā€™t know my real name and I have this built in botanical association Iā€™ve *chosen*. - No matter how common the name is in the real world, and Iā€™m no longer the only Caroline like the small town I grew up in, I do find it undeniably sweet. - I love that many people have positive associations with my name, and thereā€™s a certain joy associated with it because of countless songs in pop culture. For the past few years one of my go to social media bios is ā€œthe one all of those songs are named after.ā€ - No nicknames stuck much as a child, besides being called ā€œCā€ here and there, with my sibling called ā€œB.ā€ But in recent years my best friend started calling me *Care*, hence the username, and itā€™s the first nickname Iā€™ve connected with and felt loved through. Sorry to all the Caro-s and Carols out there, I always felt frumpy when I was called either growing up. - My mom causally claims that God, yes God, told her to name me in a dream way before her pregnancy. I like to affirm I was given the name because itā€™s *in my being to care* but I canā€˜t wait to see what nicknames I collect with the more people I meet, love, and am known by <3 - P.S. always loved the name Virginia as well, and Chrysanthemum because of the childrenā€™s book.
Dec 24, 2024

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I have a very traditional biblical name as some of you may know and i was sad that it was entirely un-nick-namable but I think it suits me and my personality now. My parents almost named me Kirsten and I sometimes wonder if I would be different if they had gone with thatā€¦ and I LOVE when little old southern ladies say my first name and middle name together especially if they preface it with a Miss. my last name is actually too unique, hyphenated, and ridiculously long and was embarrassing to me for most of my life but Iā€™ve found peace with that too and wouldnā€™t change it for anything šŸ«¶
Jun 8, 2024
never liked my name growing up because most of elementary school was spent in florida. it was a huge culture shock coming from the north then being one of like two or three kids of color in my class at any given time. i wanted a stereotypical ā€œwhite girl nameā€ with a middle name like marie or rose. spent a lot of middle school going by daisy. i also am greatly tired of the ā€œdeja vuā€ jokes. my mom got my name from tyra bankā€™s character in ā€œhigher learningā€/a tony! toni! tonĆ©! song. i guess thatā€™s cool. she just spelled it very phonetically, which didnt help peopleā€™s mispronunciation of my easy name but (to me) looks very dumbed down on paper (day-JAH) and then people pronounce the j really hard idk. most of my friends call me day ā˜€ļø i like that at least. i wouldn't have minded the name raven, and i think my momā€™s other name contender was tia (like sister sister) but that would have kind of rhymed with my last name so im good on that.
Jun 8, 2024
because I cannot handle the thought of the radical transformation to my body and my life butā€¦ * Charlotte (my great grandmotherā€˜s name; she went by Lottieā€¦ she owned the first plant nursery in my hometown after moving there from Mississippi and she also grew prize-winning chrysanthemums and roses. this is my favorite one) * Katherine (another great-grandmotherā€™s name. She grew up in a Norwegian ethnic community in Iowa, worked at a bomb factory during the war, and eventually ended up in a biker gang in her old age) * Johanna or Joanna (I just always wished this were my name itā€™s so dignified) * Anne (same as above and I love Anne of Green Gables lol) * Chloe (no reason I just like it) ā€” * James (long-standing family name, in honor of a dearly departed relative) * Thomas (in honor of my dadā€™s late best friend Tom who was my ā€˜uncleā€™ā€”he was everything to me!) * Jonathan (my dadā€™s name) * William (another family name) * Charles (I just love this one) * Henry (LOVE this one) * Gore (after Gore Vidal obviously but also as a way of preserving my family name which is also why he named himself that; he felt a connection to that side of his family and his beloved grandparents but Gore was his motherā€™s surnameā€¦ he was originally named Eugene Luther lmao)
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one of my friends gave me one of these bad boys for my birthday and it is perhaps one of the best gifts Iā€™ve received. they knew my struggle with wanting to listen to music on my morning walks while resisting the urge to use my phone first thing. they burned a few of my playlists and theirs onto tapes and it feels so much more nostalgic, personal, and conversational. listening to a tape all the way through without skipping is a lost treasure trove for mindfulness imo. pretty affordable and easy to rig burning cassettes or buying from the thrift :)
Dec 18, 2024
*INS*: - ā€¢ computer time ā€¢ failure as the learning process ā€¢ being earnest to the point of annoyance ā€¢ savoring ā€¢ BCS (best case scenario) ā€¢ listening to an album start to finish ā€¢ ā€œputting an idea downā€ ā€¢ photo albums ā€¢ long form ā€¢ mobility & flexibility ā€¢ aquamarine ā€¢ phone calls ā€¢ soups all year ā€¢ glasses - - *OUTS*: - ā€¢ dms ā€¢ being an island ā€¢ ā€healthyā€ sodas ā€¢ makeup ā€¢ repetition ā€¢ posting stories ā€¢ hiding what I want ā€¢ pinterest ā€¢ ā€œcraftā€ cocktails ā€¢ online dating discourse ā€¢ unfinished projects ā€¢ political infotainment ā€¢ getting in my own way
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