this is the perfect winter folk album. just beautiful and haunting i recommend listening to this on a chilly night drive back from the store or under some blankets
Dec 24, 2024

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one day i was on the work computer and i wanted to find more Fruits Magazines and came across dozens of pdfs on are.na!!! it's catered towards design and architecture students it's the loveliest tool as a casual internet user. it's self financed with premiums (no ads) plus it's minimalistic and easy to use - it organizes pictures, websites, and pdfs into these sections called channels. there is no algorithm it's purely based on hunter and gatherer vibes i started using it recently and have found countless channels of historical zines, 90s/2000s perfume ads, bare bone websites built with just html, old blogs, and so much more. i think perfectly imperfect and are.na are proof that the internet is well and alive! just attached one of the channels i follow it's a collection of vintage Japanese advertisements and graphics :*)
Dec 24, 2024
weird as in cool and eclectic and niche i follow an artist who works with mold, a guy who does art on Desmos, an old guy who makes milkshakes, a collector of Japanese photography, a ginger guy whose name i can't remember but they're super into ancient languages and translation, a number of fashion archivists and fibre artists, and more instagram will be more fun and you will scroll reels less
Dec 24, 2024