- going to bed & waking up early. no screen time right before sleeping or right after waking up either - doing something creative every day, even if i only have the energy to manage a sentence in my journal or something. i've had a horrible creative block for months and i think the answer is just to force it - prioritizing myself & my needs/wants over others. no more spreading myself too thin or neglecting what's right for me bc it's wrong for someone else in my life - saying yes to things!!! - taking my usual at home activities out of the house - writing at a cafe, etc
Dec 26, 2024

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I'm actually taking notes on three of those habits.
Dec 30, 2024
these are awesome
Dec 26, 2024

Related Recs

* waking up early. i know this is possible i am Done starting my day so late. i want to wake up early, clear my mind, and read for 15-20 minutes (another habit i've been trying to build) * more walks. i am surrounded by a number of trails and parks i pass by daily but have not personally ventured yet * a new album every day! i love listening to new music it fills me with so much joy especially an album all the way through which i believe is the Right way to listen to new music * writing ... not entirely journaling i realize i am not consistent enough for that but noting down present thoughts lists doodles words i like in a tiny field notes ... (ex. list of things im grateful for that day, month/day/year - love the way this sweater feels on me, tweet i would like to share but can't at the time) (yes, this is all possible in the notes app but i want to shift from the notes app to field notes) * knitting!!! getting back into the groove of fiber arts for a couple of minutes every day. i think the trouble is trying to find the motivation for it but i have to remind myself the reasons why i do it to begin with: leaving something tangible behind, inspiring others, furthering my identity and interests tentative habits list, more will be added!
Dec 24, 2024
the work-eat-scroll-sleep-repeat pattern had me in a chokehold for ~3 years after I graduated from college, realized that a large part of the reason I struggled to break the cycle was because I’d want to “rest” after work but eventually do something enriching in the evenings, but didn’t actually have an idea of what I wanted to do so the lift to get off [app] was less willpower and more decision paralysis; the friction of figuring out what to do was what was keeping me in the cycle ~90% of the time. what has worked for me: 1. going outside immediately after work (especially if working from home) to run an errand or go to a book or record or coffee shop 2. keeping a list of projects i want to / am currently working on or skills i want to develop and making progress on those 3. reading a book 4. (most effective) taking a class (writing, pottery, filmmaking for me) and either going to the sessions or doing the assignments but also sometimes you literally just wanna rot and that’s cool too! ———————————————— i tried a couple different ways to structure my time: 1. daily timeblocking (3*/10): setting 5-6 to wind down; 6-7 for dinner; 7-9 for enrichment; etc… didn’t work at all for me. too structured. 2. theming days: (5*/10): mondays are for reading; tuesdays writing; etc… worked slightly better but sometimes you wanna do a different thing than the theme, introduces decision paralysis of whether to power through to build routine or to follow your instincts and have max fun 3. big list: (7*/10): here are all my projects (and subtasks) or hobbies or chores or errands i want to do; i give them a number score of how urgently i want to do them, then do the one i want to do most thats higher priority. bonus points if at the start of the week or month, you put some activities on a calendar for specific days even randomly to just have a schedule when you don’t have something you’re particularly called to do so that’s your default activity and not scrolling. works the best*! (*for me)
Jan 16, 2025
. drinking more tea in the morning/slowing down in the mornings . prioritizing visiting friends and family that are closer to me than i realize (i.e. 1-2 hour drives) . following through with things (a book, a project, an idea, an interest) . throwing spinach in my smoothies wait lowkey i should think about this more… i’ll b back… are these even habits lmaoaooaao
Dec 26, 2024

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