I’ve been thinking about how much of social media is centered around curating our self-image. When selfies first became popular, they were dismissed as vain and vapid—a critique often rooted in misogyny—but now, the way we craft our online selves feels more like creating monuments. We try to signal our individuality, hoping to be seen and understood, but ironically, I think this widens the gap between how others perceive us and who we really are. Instead of fostering connection, it can invite projection and misinterpretation—preconceived notions, prefab labels, and stereotypes. Worse, individuality has become branded and commodified, reducing our identities to products for others to consume. On most platforms, validation often comes from how well you can curate and present your image—selfies, aesthetic branding, and lifestyle content tend to dominate. High engagement is tied to visibility, not necessarily depth or substance. But I think spaces like PI.FYI show that there’s another way: where connection is built on shared ideas, tastes, and interests rather than surface-level content. It’s refreshing to be part of a community that values thoughts over optics. By sharing so few images of myself, I’ve found that it gives others room to focus on my ideas and voice. When I do share an image, it feels intentional—something that contributes to the story I want to tell rather than defining it. Sharing less allows me to express who I am beyond appearance. For women, especially, sharing less can be a radical act in a world where the default is to objectify ourselves. It resists the pressure to center appearance, focusing instead on what truly matters: our thoughts, voices, and authenticity. I’ve posted a handful of pictures of myself in 2,500 posts because I care more about showing who I am than how I look. In trying to be seen, are we making it harder for others to truly know us? It’s a question worth considering.
Dec 27, 2024

Comments (20)

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I love this so much, this app feels so refreshing and genuine compared to everything else
Jan 19, 2025
articulated most beautifully and so so accurately!
Jan 18, 2025
articulated most beautifully and so so accurately!
Jan 18, 2025
this is so well put, it’s a mindset that I notice spilling out into the way I interact with my physical space. decorating my apartment I find myself thinking more about what some undefined “other person” would think about me based on my decorations more than how I feel in the space that is where I live ! it reinforces this idea that myself is a persona I perform even in my most private spaces and I agree really distances me from my own brain and thoughts and self! such an important reflection and pattern of thinking to notice and combat
Jan 16, 2025
helenmae interestingly enough I made a post about this recently as a response To some ask specifically about how this manifests in living spaces (maybe even a couple of posts)! search is so busted but it’s on my profile… somewhere lol. I’m glad it resonated with you 🫶
Jan 16, 2025
Dec 28, 2024
Incredibly well put. I've struggled for a while to put words to what i've been thinking and this gets it perfectly. Something else that I also think puts this all in to perspective is the lack of modern sub-culture. Everything has been watered down into an "aesthetic" or "core" so its palatable and easy to consume en-masse. It's no longer for people interested in a certain to come together and represent their niche circle, its something to be worn like a fashion trend that changes like the wind and its just sad.
Dec 28, 2024
galvo9 yes, I think subcultures used to organically arise in specific locations where people would spend time together and spread slowly over time! now without that geographic and cultural context they just become empty consumer identities like you said and they don’t reflect anything about the people who adopt them ☹️
Dec 28, 2024
preach. This is why I wear my hair in a buzzcut and keep a unibrow- it feels appearance-neutral. not beautiful but not “out there” to where people pay attention to it.
Dec 28, 2024
cerealamerika LOVE THIS
Dec 28, 2024
beautifully put!
Dec 28, 2024
"sharing less allows me to express who i am beyond appearance." you just perfectly explained what i've been thinking about social media these past few days. i'm so glad i was able to find this platform. i finally deleted instagram and a huge weight has been lifted off me. :)
Dec 27, 2024
myeu4ia yay I’m glad to hear it resonated with you!!! 💖
Dec 27, 2024
I think that any public space can be prone to optics (people curating what will get them the most likes/comments/credibility versus purely sharing what they want to share). Some of that is baked into our lizard brain, where sameness and agreement aided survival, but the rise algorithmically-driven content definitely put that steroids. And image-centered platforms have added the layer of body dysmorphia when our self image becomes a tool for gaining that credibility. When the “medium is the message,” we prioritize those bodies that better fit the dominant conventions for what is attractive: young, thin, often well-off people who have the means to maintain such an image. The algorithm makes the exception look like the rule and people feel they have to live up to that expectation. And, of course, it’s this sense of lacking and dissatisfaction that Capitalism is built upon when businesses can sell you the solutions to the problem they create. I hope conversations like this one show that we’re growing tired of that type of media environment and they’ll begin to die out.
Dec 27, 2024
Thank you for sharing your thoughts I have been thinking about this so much!!! Instagram especially has really been subconsciously affecting my self esteem recently and it’s easy in theory to remember the majority of what you see is edited/ curated but I have caught myself comparing myself to these impossible standards and it feels no bueno. Really need to do more work to stay vigilant about this
Dec 27, 2024
lindsayhthomson it’s so hard I think these things really exploit something so deep and subconscious in our brains even if we’re consciously and logically aware on another level!!!
Dec 27, 2024
It’s been slightly horrifying seeing this shift in real time. I could see if my life went just a little differently, I’d be behaving online in that way too.
Dec 27, 2024
mossyelfie completely agree… I think I was at the right age and odd place in my life that I didn’t fall into this as much as a lot of people did but it has still affected me. and witnessing this evolution really has been kind of disturbing like you said!!
Dec 27, 2024
I’ve been saying this dude like our algos push for linking image to self/thoughts/feelings or whatever for obviously capitalism and image based products and control via insecurity. but it feels so satisfying for us to brandify ourselves into perfect curated niches bc evolutionarily we just need our freaking in-groups!! but 1) we think we’re indivudualizing ourselves but it’s just a new type of modern category which is fine like there is no escaping categorization but 2) it doesn’t fulfill bc we need irl community which we aren’t gonna know if we keep doing it how we are!! Bring back gathering, ultimately.
Dec 27, 2024
imkhushi 1000%!!!!!!!!!!! 🙌
Dec 27, 2024

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Jun 8, 2024
once i got realistic about what type of content i consumed on ig and twitter, i realized so quickly it was not expanding the way i think and in fact was keeping me stuck in the same (oftentimes negative/harmful) thought loopholes. social media is addictive in part because it algorithmically reproduces the way we already think. it keeps us comfortable. start questioning: what can help expand your life? what other creative and consumptive outlets do you find fulfilling? is there a book you want to read? something you want to draw or write about? or, in general, consider how your older self would have wanted your time to be spent. you are so right that social media makes us feel Bad-- but we don't have to! it is an act of self-care and deep love to work on stepping away from things that hurt! as far as practical tips, the best things that helped me were: a) like some others mentioned, deleting ALL social media apps from my phone so i can only access them on my computer. this helps because the online interfaces are a lot clunkier so it reduces some of the quick gratification that keeps you addicted. also you have to be literally sitting at a desk to use it, so the portability aspect/mindless scrolling is largely removed. b) keeping a journal because it's a much safer space to dump thoughts than a private story c) prioritizing in-person connection rather than mediating relationships through tech-- meet a friend for coffee! cultivate intimacy rather than superficiality, and notice how irl vs. online connection feels different d) nervous system regulation and grounding practices to counteract how scrolling can make you anxious/stressed/disembodied! finally i did struggle a lot with fomo and being behind on trends at first but then i realized it doesn't really matter. trends are fleeting. even without chronic online-ness i am still funny and relatable and i find it much more interesting to hear about people's lives when i haven't been informed about them in an endless information stream online!!
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My dad teases me about how when I was a little kid, my favorite thing to do when I was on the landline phone with somebody—be it a relative or one of my best friends—was to breathlessly describe the things that were in my bedroom so that they could have a mental picture of everything I loved and chose to surround myself with, and where I sat at that moment in time. Perfectly Imperfect reminds me of that so thanks for always listening and for sharing with me too 💌
Feb 23, 2025
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I’ve always resented the expectation that I be placed in neat little categorized boxes—hashtag this, hashtag that—and it feels nearly impossible for me to curate my existence into a narrow niche with some kind of projected image in mind. I think I get this from my father, a brilliant fine art abstract wood and stone artist who, for better or worse, has never found commercial success or mainstream acclaim because of his stubborn refusal to market himself or package his work as a product.  The words “content” and “influencer” send a chill down my spine. I’ve historically been unable to use TikTok because I break out into hives at the mere thought of it. Call me Holden Caulfield for this but I hate being told what to do by anyone—but especially by algorithms.  I never thought there would be a place online for somebody like me until I found Perfectly Imperfect, a community of bright, creative, empathetic and open-minded people who also don’t seem to fit into a box and have grown tired of and morally opposed to legacy social media. It feels like what Tumblr felt like ten years ago. I am so happy to be able to express myself fully and share my idiosyncrasies. The minor demon that possesses me has now surpassed 3,000 recommendations in a little less than a year—I have a lot to say.
Feb 23, 2025