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i just love her
Jan 26, 2024

Top Recs from @8saintmaximus8

Like many people, the new years resolutions I have set in the past have usually lasted a month or two. When my resolution eventually fails I'm filled with guilt and disappointment. The only NYR Iā€™ve set that Iā€™ve stuck to is switching to 24hr time (2022), Iā€™ve been using it since. Donā€™t even know why that was my NYR that year but I hate 12hr time now. I think the issue with NYRs is that it places an artificial timeline on our own self growth. You are forced to wake up on New Yearā€™s Day, and follow your NYR to a tee. Until, if youā€™re like me, you fall off your NYR wagon. Then you end up feeling completely hopeless and give it up all together. Shifting your focus to your next NYR. I think it works for some but not for all. I think it also works for somethings, but not for others.
Dec 28, 2024
recommendation image
STUDY SPOTS I mainly studied at my universities library. In their B.Y.O.D(device) area. Its an area where they have these massive monitors you can plug your laptop. IN: dual monitors OUT: eye fatigue My next study spot was a cafe in my area. It had a very lowkey cozy vibe, with diner style cushy booths, that made studying comfortable. It was way better than my previous cafe study spot, a very hipster-esque spot ā€” I always had trouble finding a spot to sit, and the tables there were always wobbly. Uncool. IN: lowkey diveā€˜y cafes OUT: places that do nitro cold brew STUDY TOOLS My usual study technique is re-writing all my notes in notion, until they are beautifully colour-coded and perfect. I refuse to use google docs or word for my notes, it makes them so un-interesting. Asides from my notion antics, I did something I donā€™t usually do ā€” I wrote things out by hand. I bought a couple great pens, and a legal pad, and got to jotting things down so they would stay in my brain. I wouldnā€™t call it note taking per se, because I never referred to my chickenscrach filled papers again. I simply used it to write things out in a way where I would have to slow down and grasp the concept, rather than typing it at my 80 WPM speed. I ended up really liking using a legal pad, I felt very cool and mysterious. IN: legal pads OUT: google docs STUDY SNACKS/BEVS Everyone knows that when itā€™s finals week, money doesnā€™t matter. You can spare any expense to ensure youā€™re fuelled with caffeine and nutrition. I honestly ate like sh*t throughout finals. The DQ on campus was a nightly spot. For beverages, I love a Celsius, thatā€™s what fuelled me through. Also a double shot iced americano with a splash of oat milk I did also drink bone broth every morning for that hit of protein. Im not much of a study snacker, at the library ā€” because I think opening up a nature valley granola bar and spilling it all over the shared desks is a bit of a rookie move. IN: americanos OUT: nature valley granola bar STRESS CONTROL You gotta look out for your mental during finals. Performance anxiety is the devil. Avoid it. Work hard. But not too hard. Donā€™t study in your bedroom ā€“ itā€™s important to have a space where you feel completely detached from school. I also did a šŸ„ trip with friends on the weekend during finals. I wouldnā€™t say it helped or harmed me. It really did just give me a much needed break. Donā€™t pull all nighters ā€” it fucks your brain up bad. trust meā€¦ I know. Remind yourself that itā€™s not the end of the world if you donā€™t do well. Keep motivated. I watched a Tokyo Toni motivational speech video multiple times a day during finals (she speaks some truth). The best way to approach finals is to embrace airport culture: -No time norms at an airport, itā€™s open 24hrs, so is your universityā€™s library. Treat an early studying session at the library like an early flight to catch; wear your PJs, get some fast food breakfast, and power through. -People survive the hell of travelling/the airport cause they know a vacation is the reward; you can survive the hell of studying/the library because you know winter break is your reward. -You miss your flight? Stressful. But thereā€™s always another one. You fail your final? Stressful, but you can always retake the course. IN: airport culture OUT: bed rot studying ā€¦ these are just some of my tips, and I hope they help. ###
Dec 27, 2024