Something I really love doing is collecting names that could potentially belong to my future children! Here are a few of my favorites: -Girls: Chelsea Millie Riva Sunday Fiora Mathilde Summer -Boys: Daniel Luca Frances Auggie Elio George
Dec 29, 2024

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something i think about all the time is how much i love my friends names and how nicely they sound together cecilia! zachary! caroline! zumi! brielle! allegra! jacquline ! elissa!
because I cannot handle the thought of the radical transformation to my body and my life butā€¦ * Charlotte (my great grandmotherā€˜s name; she went by Lottieā€¦ she owned the first plant nursery in my hometown after moving there from Mississippi and she also grew prize-winning chrysanthemums and roses. this is my favorite one) * Katherine (another great-grandmotherā€™s name. She grew up in a Norwegian ethnic community in Iowa, worked at a bomb factory during the war, and eventually ended up in a biker gang in her old age) * Johanna or Joanna (I just always wished this were my name itā€™s so dignified) * Anne (same as above and I love Anne of Green Gables lol) * Chloe (no reason I just like it) ā€” * James (long-standing family name, in honor of a dearly departed relative) * Thomas (in honor of my dadā€™s late best friend Tom who was my ā€˜uncleā€™ā€”he was everything to me!) * Jonathan (my dadā€™s name) * William (another family name) * Charles (I just love this one) * Henry (LOVE this one) * Gore (after Gore Vidal obviously but also as a way of preserving my family name which is also why he named himself that; he felt a connection to that side of his family and his beloved grandparents but Gore was his motherā€™s surnameā€¦ he was originally named Eugene Luther lmao)
Nov 2, 2024
Iā€™m a Big Fat Queer (gender and sexuality) so my name always felt good, but not enough? I feel like Matt encapsulates the part of me that felt missing with Madeleine. But I also have a whole list in my phone of other names I think Iā€™d enjoy, and I like going by Pikoliu online. I like seeing what different parts of myself come out with different names! Other possible names: Markets, Garden, Mint, Maybe, Ksenia, Pirkko, Yarrow, Meadow
Jun 7, 2024

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Spotify, Pinterest, Letterboxd, and now I'm falling in love with this site!
Dec 29, 2024
Ins: -earth day celebration all year (not just one day) -study honors chem as a hobby not a chore -bake more things (not cookies and muffins like always) -discover more artists -more bagel flavors -crazy jewelry -watercolor more than once a year Outs: -being anxious about everything (guilty šŸ˜“) -constant embarrassment -being too self conscious -being scared of some foods -daydreaming and not taking action -doom scrolling
Dec 30, 2024