which was embarrassing + frustrating as a child. As an adult I figured out a joke to teach people to say my name correctly and now I really love having an un-nicknamable name + also basically a mononym cos U have probably never met another one of me in Ur life !!
back in school i used to help or hinder my teachers based purely on their first impression when they did the first registration call.
they'd get to about the middle of the list and just pause. and i knew. i knew it was me.
if good vibes - i'd raise my hand and put them out of their misery
if bad vibes - nothing about my expression would betray my position even in the slightest. you would think i was under the impression that i have the most straighforward, easily pronouncable name in existence. and then i would make them guess. guess until they got somewhere close enough for me to go "oh, i think thats me?"
good times
My last name is really long and often kind of unwieldy, if I call someone on the phone, itβs guaranteed they ask to spell it, so I drop the suffix and that makes things easier. That, and itβs my handle/name used for writing elsewhere.
I have fallen in love with japanese shoegaze, uchu nekoko, For tracy Hyde, Collapse, and such.
The japanese electronic scene is fire too, lilinia is by far my favourite.