I have already raved on goodreads but needed to share the gospel here too. SUCH an amazing book!!
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Dec 30, 2024

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It's such a brilliant book! While I was reading it I didn't want to finish it. I wanted to remain in the story
Jan 7, 2025
porcinintrusif legit. Sometimes I would stop reading to relish in the fact that it was a middle-aged woman writing the book rather than someone resembling Demon writing loosely about his own experience.
Jan 27, 2025
Also just finished this after reading Shuggue Bain — absolutely loved both
Jan 1, 2025

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This was my review on goodreads when I first read it: Ok so it sounds so cheesy to call it transcendent, but...this book is transcendent, and I don’t say that lightly. A moving exploration of faith, love, science, addiction and above all, meaning making. It questions why do we do what we do, what amount of choice we have over that, and if there’s a reason for it all, but in such a rich and tender way that they feel like completely new questions. This book is, to me, a classic already. I’ll be highly surprised if this doesn’t make its way into GCSE or A level English literature or philosophy reading lists at some point in the future, and if it doesn’t then that is a failing of education. Give Yaa Gyasi all the awards.
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Being nonchalant - while it seems cool and all - is SO unproductive. All it has done for me is assisted in suppressing things that I need to work through. And who really wants to surround themselves with cool people who just don't care?? What do you talk about if you have (or pretend to have) no passion or interest in the world around you. Idk.
Dec 30, 2024
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Usually I'll make a different Pinterest board for each season so it's easy to find for outfit inspiration, but this year I'm trying out making one big continuous board. Also have been including cool furniture and spaces and overall energy to try to manifest the feel of the board becoming the feel of my life. Not sure how to manifest it other than hyperfixating every other day and adding more pics and admiring but it's a lot of fun, I recommend.
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The BEST comfort Jewish food.
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