Calling my best friend from 8th grade when we Are both overseas from out home because friendship never dies. It burns and flutters at the same time when girls connect
Becoming an adult has always been daunting to me, but I can't wait to do it with the same friends I'm being a kid with. I'm always rooting for my friends and it brings me hope that they might be thinking the same about me.
Literally every meal is made better by the addition of an egg. Rice? Stir fry an egg in. Sandwich? Fried egg. Any breakfast food? Scramble one on the side. Life is better with eggs 🙏
Any reason to go to the pub really! But I love the camaraderie of all doing a quiz together:
- coming up with a silly team name
- being rowdy and bantering with the quizmaster
- that feeling when you got a question right that you weren't sure about
- always an excuse to get another pint
- when a round is announced and you know that someone on your team is about to nail it
- winning (naturally)
It's just extremely fun