use your fingers to smudge your eyeshadow in, soak your q-tip in saliva to clean your winged eyeliner, ditch the foundation and just wear contour, who needs concealer just wear that dark eye look anyways.
it looks hot, trust me
use my fingers to put on eyeshadow, I don’t own any lipstick I use chapstick or use eyeshadow to color my lips if I want, and I never touch my eyebrows
Any time I go out I always keep a little glitter in my pocket. I use the NYX vegan face and body glitter. Sometimes I’ll wear no makeup and just this glitter on my eyelids and it makes me feel beautiful and so easy to take off. It’s also so fun to whip out in case anyone you’re with needs a little sparkle 💫🖤
aka songs u listened to when u had a crush on someone that only makes u think of them + that feeling … jonathan by fiona apple; various faye wong songs; ant in alaska by liz phair …