I feel like 12 is a wonderful place to start. 1 book a month. Keep it in your bathroom. Beside your bed. Where you eat your meals. Please read this year. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself. and for me, and for everyone who you'll tell, I'm reading again, and you should read with me too. Take pictures or screencaps of passages and send them to your friends. Read funny, easy books, evil and upsetting books, books that are boring but are still satisfying to finish. Go to the library. Challenge yourself. You will feel better, you'll feel proud of yourself, and you'll banish the negative moodlet of being mad or ashamed at yourself for not reading. It's ok that you haven't been. You had your reasons and it doesn't do any good to beat up on yourself. That was then and this was now. Start a book tomorrow bc it is a new day :)
Jan 1, 2025

Comments (7)

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love this! i used to always increase my goal each year like why? am i a company trying to grow for the shareholders??? lol no so now i keep a goal of 30 each year and reach it pretty consistently :)
Jan 1, 2025
Yes! Guilt tripping yourself over unread lists does you no good. Make time for your hard and soft bound friends - at times of the day and in places where you can’t fall asleep
Jan 1, 2025
My promise to myself is to read a book in the morning before I pick up my phone and start scrolling. Something easier on my eyes as I’m letting the cloud of grogginess lift.
Jan 1, 2025
courtwhip love this idea! Might have to steal it
Jan 1, 2025
My goal every year is to read all the books I've bought the year before. Last year I managed to read 50 books, but the books I've got are much longer this year, so I'll aim for 30. Main goal is to read Proust's In Search of Lost Time, I'm halfway through Volume 1 at the moment.
Jan 1, 2025
Having a reasonable goal definitely would help me read more. My 2024 goal was 25 and I read 5 books but when my goal was 5 a few years ago I ended up reading 20!! Definitely gonna set it to 12 and maybe increase it later because a book a month sounds so nice.
Jan 1, 2025

Related Recs

Start small. I got back into reading this year by reading a lot of novellas and short story collections. No more than 200 pages long. It really felt like I was having to rewire my brain because I’d been out of practice with reading. Find a book that intrigues you (if you want to read graphic novels read graphic novels! you’ll get to your friend’s recs in time) and carry it with you everywhere you go. Then (and I know this sounds ridiculous) you just have to actively choose to read the book. I have to be like “ok we’re putting the phone away now and we are going to read 10 pages” sometimes I read more and sometimes I hit my quota and ditch the book for the day. I made a goodreads and you can set a reading goal challenge (which I’m now behind on) and that’s kinda fun.
Oct 20, 2024
- Start with the books that interest you the most (maybe you should actually start with something that is not a recommendation from someone else because that's a lot of pressure! You could go to a bookstore and find a book that makes you excited to read to get you into the habit of reading again.) - Take it one book at a time. The pile is daunting, so just find the next book that you are excited to read and read that one. We will never be able to read all of the books we want to, but that shouldn't stop us from reading some of them. - If you hate the book, stop reading it. Again, we will never be able to read all of the books we want to, so don't waste time on books you don't like. - While you're reading, have a pen or a notebook and look for things that make you feel or think something new, or things you want to share or talk about with your friend. Take notes or underline them. This sounds like it would be more work, but I find that it actually gets my brain into a more active state which makes it easier to focus and makes me feel excited and curious about what I'm reading. - You can also try making it into a ritual. Light a candle when you read, or play some soothing music in the background or make yourself a little pillow fort or a specific cozy beverage to drink while you read. Or you could read in a bubble bath or something else that makes you happy. Then you will be reading with intention. And it's fun and cute! If possible, put your phone in a drawer or on do not disturb, for obvious reasons.
Oct 18, 2024
recommendation image
reading just 10 pages of a book a day really does add up!! think about it... if you read 10 pages daily, in a year you will have read 3650 pages of nice material... you could fit 5 crime and punishments in there or many many short stories if you'd prefer... i've been lurking in a reading slump for a few years now, mainly due to the short-form content that's nearly finished frying my brain, but the simple daily goal of sparing a few minutes to get through the 10 pages has me sitting down and reading much more than that. i can feel the shackles loosening up......... the last few days i've been enjoying a few of banana yoshimoto's novels and oooohhhh yippyyy i love the way she manages to capture the fleeting essence of emotions so precisely. go read go read a book now!!!!!!!
Jan 14, 2025

Top Recs from @killer

I don't listen to any AI generated playlists because I prefer to hear ones curated by people. I love sharing music as a human to human thing. It's also dismaying how music streaming services prioritize the songs of artists whose management pay them, etc. It's so fun to simply browse anonymous person's curated lists instead on top of sharing with friends. It's never been easier to peek into someone else's semi-private music preference and walk their landscape. Just today I found a person who's made dozens of playlists for specific beanie babies (!), all with no saves or likes. We don't need AI driven sorting to develop taste and find things we like. Break out of the corral with me and run free. Let's see what's over the hill
Aug 6, 2024
be giving, accept graciously, be thankful, withdraw when it's wise
Jul 20, 2024