Ins :
- wired earphones
- Pilates ( mat / reformer ) / long city walks
- Studying each day and be consistent
- watching what I have in my letterboxd watchlist
- pop of color ( love red )
- long form content
- Pinterest for visualization
- baby pink color and anything pink
- minimal makeup , glitter on eyelids
- glossy lips
- skincare > makeup
- read more articles and learn
- Posting more in Substack
- documenting my life and posting photodumps
- notes app ( ofc )
- crush on a 30 years old scientific researcher ( he’s so attractive and so clever I wish I could go back to my master days and see him more lol )
- daily sweet treat
- reading French novels and watching French movies
- saving money
- meet my friends more
- solo dates
- Keep making podcasts / vlogs
Outs :
- stress
- anxiety ( low cortisol levels )
- processed food
- mindlessly scrolling
- thinking about my 2019 first love ( it’s over )
- procrastination
Im using this app as my note app lol